25 government jobs for software engineers in MP Online Limited

software engineers recruitmen in mp online ltd.

mp online software engineers recruitment
Name of the vacancies : software engineeers
Total vacancies : 25 sarkari jobs
Selection criteria : performance of candidate in the written test and the interview will be the selection criteria.
Application mode : applications are to be filled online.
Job location : govt jobs in Madhya pradsesh

important dates regarding mp online govt jobs

Filling up of online applications will be started from 17th june 2014 and last date to fill up online application is 4th July 2014. mp online recruitment cell will not accept applications recieved after last date in any case.

Elligibility criteria :

  • EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS : Those who are willing to apply for this ssrkari naukri in mp online must have completed B.E (Information Technology/ Computer Science)/ B.Tech (Information Technology/ Computer Science)/ MCA/ M.Sc (Information Technology/Computer Science). Minimum 2 years of Post qualification experience in Microsoft Technologies, Asp.Net 3.0 & above, C#.Net, MS SQL Server, .Net Framework, Visual Studio, Crystal Reports.
  • AGE LIMITS :  21 years (as on 1st July 2014) Is the minimum age limit. please visit official website for further details.
