LIC Apprentice Development Officer(ADO) Interview Questions Extra security Corporation ( Lic ) of India led Apprentice Development Officer ( Ado ) exam at one time in 2008. For prepared reference of the bidders who are presently sitting tight for meeting bring in 2010 we are furnishing a few inquiries and replies of 2008 meetings. Notwithstanding these beforehand asked inquiries, we are additionally giving the feasible inquiries those are to be confronted by the wannabes in 2010.
The applicants are solicited to post their individual encounter in pending questions in remarks area accessible beneath.
#q1 What do you ponder Life Insurance ?
(A) Life protection is an agreement that promises installment of a sum to the individual guaranteed (or his candidate) on the event of the occasion safeguarded against.
The agreement is legitimate for installment of the guaranteed sum throughout:
• The date of development, or
• Specified dates at intermittent interims, or
• Awful expiration, assuming that it happens prior.
• In addition to everything else, the agreement additionally accommodates the installment of premium occasionally to the Corporation by the policyholder. Life coverage is all around affirmed to be an establishment, which disposes of 'risk', substituting sureness for doubt and goes to the auspicious help of the family in the heartbreaking occasion of expiration of the provider.
• Generally, life coverage is civilisation's halfway answer for the issues initiated by demise. Life coverage, in short, is concerned with two risks that stand over the life-way of each individual:
• That of expire rashly leaving a subordinate family to fight for itself.
• That of living work seniority without obvious method of backing.
#q2 Do you demonstrate who can purchase a Policy ?
Any individual who has achieved larger part and is qualified to enter into a substantial contract can protect himself/herself and those in whom he/she has insurable investment.
Approaches can additionally be taken, subject to certain conditions, on the life of one's companion or youngsters. While supporting recommendations, certain variables, for example the policyholder's state of health, the advocate's pay and other significant elements are acknowledged by the Corporation.
#q3 Where is Corporate Office/head Quarter of Lic found ?
(A) Mumbai
#q4 Can you let some know of the Objectives of Lic ?
Spread and furnish extra security to the masses at a sensible expense.
• Spread Life Insurance broadly and specifically to the country ranges and to the socially and monetarily retrogressive classes with a perspective to arriving whatsoever insurable persons in the nation and furnishing them satisfactory money related blanket against demise at a sensible expense.
• Amplify assembly of individuals' reserve funds by making protection joined reserve funds sufficiently engaging.
• Take notice, in the speculation of stores, the essential commitment to its policyholders, whose cash it holds in trust, without losing sight of the premium of the group in general; the stores to be sent further bolstering the best good fortune of the gurus and also the neighborhood in general, keeping in perspective national necessities and commitments of alluring return.
• Direct business with utmost economy and with the full acknowledgement that the funds have a place with the policyholders.
• Go about as trustees of the safeguarded open in their single and group limits.
• Help the neighborhood that might roll out in the updating social and nature's domain.
• Include all individuals working in the Corporation to the best of their ability in facilitating the diversions of the safeguarded open by furnishing proficient benefit with civility.
• Push around all executors and representatives of the Corporation a feeling of investment, pride and work fulfillment through release of their jobs with devotion towards accomplishment of Corporate Objective.
#q5 When was the Lic of India started to be ?
(A) 1956
#q6 Tell us about yourself ?
#q7 What is your observation Development Officer as a Career ?
#q8 How would you separate between Marketing and Sales ?
#q9 Introduce yourself ?
#q10 How is your field encounter advantageous in performing this employment ?
#q11 Tell us your instructive capabilities ?
#q12 How these capabilities are accommodating to you in releasing the jobs of Development Officer ?
#q13 What do you ponder Development Officer work ?
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