Ibps Rrb Office Assistant Exam Pattern

Ibps Rrb Office Assistant Exam Pattern: Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (Ibps) conducts Common Written Examination (Cwe) for recruitment in Regional Rural Banks (Rrbs). The Cwe example for Office Assistant (Multipurpose) positions is said below…. Ibps Rrb Cwe Pattern Details: Cwe involves 5 tests with 200 inquiries and 200 imprints. The imprints alotted for every test and identified parts have been given below… Common Written Examination: Office Assistant (Multipurpose): Sr No. Name of Test (Objective) Medium of Exam No.of Questions Maximum Marks Total Time 1 Reasoning Hindi/English 40 50 Composite Time of 2 hours and 30 minutes 2 Quantitative Aptitude Hindi/English 40 50 3 General Awareness Hindi/English 40 40 4 a English Language English 40 40 4 b Hindi Language Hindi 40 40 5 Computer Knowledge Hindi/English 40 20 Total 200 200 1. There will be negative stamping of 0.25 imprints from the imprints designated for that specific inquiry. 2. Cutoff imprints will be chosen the foundation of Average. 3. Cwe Score Card will be sent by post to the qualifying applicants. 4. Score card will be legitimate for one year from date of issuing it. 5. Cwe might be led at numerous centres as given in the notice. 6. Preexamination preparing will be accommodated set number of applicants for which online provision must be made. 7. Last choice might base on gathering the qualification states of the Rrbs incorporating bona fide Ibps Cwe Score card.
